Friday, October 25, 2019

Eric Sprott: Why Silver Will Be The Star Of The Show

It’s been a great week so far, with the FOMC meeting and U.S. jobs report both proving good for gold. But what about silver? Eric Sprott returns to break down all the gold and silver news you need.

“Basically, the report was weak… The thing that’s bad for the worker is the average workweek was down .3 hours. Now, people may not think that’s much. 

It’s almost 1% of the number of hours that the average person works, which means that collectively everyone made 1% less. 

And they made .3% more per hour, but they worked 1% less time, so that’s not a very instructive number in terms of the total paychecks that were issued…. Kind of weak, I’d say.”

- Source, Sprott Money